The Human Whisperer Workshop Series:

Build Stronger Teams


Each of the three workshops run as 2-day sessions. Look at the details and find which one suits your team.
Workshop #1

Master the Art of Influence:

Persuasion Techniques for Leaders & Communicators

  • Become a More Persuasive Leader: Learn powerful persuasion techniques to effectively influence and inspire your team.
  • Craft Compelling Messages: Discover strategies to captivate your audience and get buy-in for your ideas.
  • Navigate Negotiations with Confidence: Develop negotiation skills to secure better outcomes in any situation.
  • Unlock the Secrets of Nonverbal Influence: Master the art of body language to enhance your persuasive power.
  • Real-World Applications: Gain practical tools to implement your newfound skills and achieve greater influence in all aspects of your work and life.
Workshop #2

Become a Human Lie Detector:

Spot Deception with Confidence

  • Develop Your Deception Detection Skills: Learn proven techniques for identifying dishonesty in various situations
  • Read Body Language Like a Pro: Decode nonverbal cues that can reveal hidden truths
  • Sharpen Your Verbal Acuity: Discover how to analyze communication patterns and identify inconsistencies
  • Protect Yourself from Manipulation: Gain the confidence to navigate challenging interactions with integrity
  • Apply Your Skills Wisely: Learn ethical best practices for leveraging your lie detection skills in personal and professional settings
Workshop #3

The Mind Games We All Play:

Understanding Game Theory and Systems Thinking

  • Become a Mastermind of Human Interaction: Harness the power of game theory and systems thinking to analyze and predict human behavior in any situation.
  • Think Like a Strategist: Learn to anticipate your opponent's next move, understand hidden incentives, and make strategic decisions for optimal outcomes.
  • Navigate Complex Systems: Develop the skills to manage conflict, influence negotiations, and thrive in unpredictable environments by considering the bigger picture.
  • Decode the Rules of the Game: Uncover the underlying dynamics and motivations driving human behavior within different systems.
  • Become a Master Player in the Game of Life: Leverage your understanding of human interaction to achieve your goals, build a thriving career, and create a successful and fulfilling life.

Still have questions? Contact us for details about content, scheduling, or pricing.

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